Cloud Security

Cloud Security Direction covers technologies designed to protect cloud computing environments, applications, and data hosted in the cloud. Resource security is ensured by user authentication, clear access control policies, and protection of confidential company user data.

Seeton Cyber Security Group develops the following areas of information security::

Zero Trust Network Access - a solution that provides secure remote access to your organization's programs, data, and services based on well-defined access control policies. The main principle of work is to provide access only to the resources that the employee needs to perform their work functions.

Container security - a solution that contains a toolkit of security policies that are necessary to control containers, operating systems that host containers, repositories for storing containers and clusters.

Cloud Workload Protection Platform - a solution that detects and allows you to control workloads that are located in the cloud and on-premises environments. Solutions of this class support the following functions: scanning for vulnerabilities and closing them, antivirus protection and intrusion prevention, and so on.

Cloud Access Security Broker - a solution that can combine different security policies, namely: authentication, credential mapping, encryption, malware detection, etc. The CASB tool allows administrators of cloud services to detect unauthorized actions in user activity when working with O365, G-Suite, Salesforce, etc., including detection of managed and unmanaged devices of the company.

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management - a class of solutions that minimizes the likelihood of data leakage in cloud environments. This is done by constantly monitoring user privileges and activity. This monitoring is performed to check whether all users are working with the necessary levels of access to the company's corporate resources.

Attack Surface Management - represents a set of practices aimed at identifying, classifying, and evaluating the security status of an organization's assets.

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